Photoshop Cs5 Extended Tumblr
Photoshop Cs5 Extended Tumblr =====
I have Photoshop CS5 Extended, running on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I use photoshop to make gifs, either from video frames > layers or from importing screenshots into a stack. When I make the gifs, I set the frame delay in the animation panel to whatever I want - mostly 0.04, 0.06 and 0.1 and when I play it, it works exactly how I want it to, running at the speed set.
Other friends who make gifs via the same method as I do don't encounter this problem. I even opened a .psd from a friend of a gif with a frame rate of 0.06 and when I went to Save for Web, it still played very slow but for my friend, they managed to export the gif and have it play at the intended speed in their photoshop (also CS5).
Okay, but I have really good hardware specs and a good internet connection so images download fast, so I have no idea why this happens to me. I keep deleting my Save for Web preferences but nothing changes. I just don't understand why the gif runs in photoshop but when I go to save it, the frame rate makes no difference to the preview in the Save for Web window and what I eventually save. Surely there must be an issue if the Save for Web plugin ignores the framerate I set, no matter what I set it as.
And animations with a fast framerate are very popular on a website called tumblr, where pretty much every user makes gifs of such a rate so while I appreciate that it's not the best use of the GIF format, it's something I'd like to figure out how to do.
I don't understand what you mean I made the first gif - I made screencaps of a video, imported them into photoshop, transformed the layers into a frame animation, set the frame delay, cropped and resized the image and added some adjustments. They are both supposed to loop like that, all I want to know is how to fix my settings so that gifs play at a smooth, normal speed.
It's not converting video, this is a new way of using gifs to make 'animated pictures' of tv shows and movies that's popular on websites such as tumblr and in general. It's very common and not a video conversion method. I just want to know if there is a setting in photoshop that is interfering with my frame delays settings and not letting them save at the intended speed.
And it is a photoshop problem because something in my settings is wrong and not allowing me to save my gifs at the frame rate I want. While I understand that GIFs weren't intended to be used how I want to use them, this is a use for gifs that has evolved recently and is incredibly common. From the examples I have provided, gifs are clearly capable of doing what I am trying to do with them. And again, while technically this method can be called video conversion, that's not what it is seen as. It's seen as a dynamic picture and it's meant to be soundless and small.
OK, I'll add to this. I too find photoshop's GIF export framerate pretty crappy. I've been trying to create a loading circle GIF, and the speed from PS just isnt right. And its not a limitation of the GIF format. The best results I have achieved are from Flash, exporting the movie as an aminated GIF. This give amazing speeds and correct framerates. Problem is, you dont get all the good compression settings that you do in PS.
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