How to Download Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam Software for Free
Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam is a software that allows you to read and understand the meaning of the Quran in Malayalam language. It is based on the famous Tafheem ul Quran commentary by Syed Abul Ala Maududi, one of the most influential Islamic scholars of the 20th century.
If you want to download Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam software for free, you can follow these simple steps:
Download Zip:
Visit the official website of Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam at
Click on the \"Download\" button on the homepage. You will be redirected to a Google Drive page where you can access the software files.
Select the file that matches your operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux) and click on the \"Download\" icon on the top right corner.
Wait for the file to download and then extract it using a zip extractor software such as WinRAR or 7-Zip.
Open the extracted folder and run the setup file to install the software on your computer.
Launch the software and enjoy reading and learning from the Quran in Malayalam.
Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam software is a great tool for anyone who wants to study the Quran in depth and gain insights into its message and wisdom. It is also compatible with other languages such as English, Urdu, Hindi, and Bengali. You can switch between languages by clicking on the \"Language\" option on the menu bar.
We hope this article helped you download Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam software for free. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at
In this article, we will also share some tips and features of Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam software that can enhance your learning experience.
You can adjust the font size and color of the text by clicking on the \"Settings\" option on the menu bar. You can also change the background color and theme of the software according to your preference.
You can bookmark any verse or chapter of the Quran by clicking on the \"Bookmark\" icon on the top left corner. You can access your bookmarks by clicking on the \"Bookmarks\" option on the menu bar.
You can search for any word or phrase in the Quran by clicking on the \"Search\" icon on the top right corner. You can also filter your search results by language, chapter, verse, or commentary.
You can listen to the recitation of the Quran by clicking on the \"Play\" icon on the bottom right corner. You can choose from different reciters and translations by clicking on the \"Reciter\" and \"Translation\" options on the menu bar.
You can share any verse or commentary of the Quran with your friends and family by clicking on the \"Share\" icon on the bottom left corner. You can choose from different platforms such as email, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam software is a user-friendly and comprehensive software that can help you understand and appreciate the Quran better. It is also updated regularly with new features and improvements. You can check for updates by clicking on the \"Update\" option on the menu bar.
We hope you enjoy using Tafheem ul Quran Malayalam software and benefit from its contents. May Allah bless you and guide you to the right path. Ameen. 29c81ba772